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Pcychology and Psychiatry

Must read! Physiological Reviews

Must read! APStracts, a weekly on-line notice of current research scheduled to be published in the journals of The American Physiological Society.
Must read! Journal Neurophysiology

Must read! Journal of Applied Physiology
Must read! Archives of General Psychiatry

Must read! Mental Health Network
Topics on this web site range from disorders such as depression, anxiety,
and substance abuse, to professional journals and self-help magazines that
are available online. Resources provided here are updated weekly, if not
daily. An updated calendar of mental health conferences is included as well
as links to many other mental health sites. (Submitted by Susan Klopfer).

Must read! Mental Health
Comprehensive mental health resources from Mental Health Advice to Forensic Details In addition to indexes on topics including Attention Deficit Disorder, Music Therapy, Counseling, Policy, Depression, and Psychology, also available are links to web pages that allow you to submit or review questions posed to licensed professional therapists, examine crisis, grief, and healing, mental health information and resources, forensic Psychiatry, and more.
Also available - directory and database of mental health information, an encyclopedia describing mental illnesses, treatment, medications, and research, layperson's guide to psychotherapeutic drugs - an Introduction to common medications used in therapy, and more.

Must read! Psychology Index

Must read! Psych Pages

Must read! Psych Web

Must read! Online Psych

Must read! PsychStar HomePage

Must read! Resources for Psychology and Cognitive Sciences on the Internet

Must read! Psychiatry & Psychotherapy

Must read! Psychology Self-Help Resources on the Internet

Must read! The GlobalPsych Institute

Must read! Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic Library

Must read! Institute of Psychiatry

(Assessment-Psychometrics) is a forum directed principally toward researchers and practitioners in psychology, psychiatry, and allied disciplines; however, subscription is open to any interested individual (and is unmoderated). The purpose of the forum is to facilitate scholarly discussion of psychometric theory and applications, and of psychological and psychiatric assessment in clinical and research settings.
To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of your E-mail:
SUB ASSESS-P yourfirstname yourlastname
and Email to:

Must read! Helsinki Multiple Sclerosis Site
contains addresses for newsgroups, mailing lists, gophers, and FAQs, and it offers links to research archives, MS organizations, other MS web pages including CSHSD (Centre for the Study of Health, Sickness and Disablement), and research institutes around the world. Also available, links to info on software for the disabled.

Must read! Gulf War Syndrome
A page dealing with Gulf War Syndrome and some links to others on the subject. Must read! the Down Syndrome WWW Page

Must read! Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Village
So called Yuppie Flu Page offers links to the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Homepage, The NewsGroups Alt.Med.CFS and Alt.Med.Fibromyalgia , an e-mail listserver about CFS, and such publications as "The Emotional Support Guide to Internet Resources for Physical Loss and Chronic Illness", "Catharsis," the monthly creative magazine for CFS sufferers ( including back issues).

Must read! CFSEIR
The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Electronic Internet Resources Home Page is a fulsome resource of papers, abstracts and links to every sort of government, educational and other type of site's resources on the subject.

Must read! Behavioral & brain sciences Target Article Preprints.
Must read! Behavioral neuroscience
Must read! Communications Disorders
Must read! the Project for the Hearing Impaired in Singapore
Must read! the Disability and Rehabilitation Resources
at the St. John's University

Must read! Koestler Parapsychology Unit

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