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Time in Riyadh
Saudi Arabia السعود ية
al Mamlakah al Arabiyah as Saudiyah
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News News and media
  أخبار و إعلام

  • صحيفة الوطن

    يحتوي الموقع على أخبار عربية وعالمية بالإضافة إلى أرشيف بالأعداد السابقة من الصحيفة

  • صحيفة الرياض

    صحيفة يومية تستطيع من خلال موقعها قراءة ما تتضمنه من أخبار ومقالات وتحاليل بالإضافة إلى خدمات أخرى مثل حالة الطقس وأسعار الأسهم

  • مجلة الدفاع

    مجلة تصدر عن القوات المسلحة السعودية وتحتوي على الجديد في عالم الأسلاحة بالإضافة إلى أخبار أخرى

  • مجلة الدعوة

    مجلة أسبوعية إسلامية جامعة تصدر عن مؤسسة الدعوة الإسلامية الصحفية

  • مجلة الواحة

    مجلة فصلية تُعنى بشؤون التراث والثقافة والأدب في الخليج العربي

  • جريدة الجزيرة

    أخبار و مواضيع متنوعة: سياسية، دولية، محلية، رياضية، تجارية، ثقافية، اسلامية، اعلانات، و اشتراكات

  • وكالة الأنباء السعودية

    تعمل على جمع وتوزيع الأخبار المحلية والعالمية

  • صحيفة الرياض

    صحيفة يومية تستطيع من خلال موقعها قراءة ما تتضمنه من أخبار ومقالات وتحاليل بالإضافة إلى خدمات أخرى مثل حالة الطقس وأسعار الأسهم

  • وكالة الأنباء الكويتية - كونا

    تعمل على تجميع الأخبار وتوزيعها على المؤسسات الإعلامية والأفراد

  • جريدة عكاظ

    صحيفة سعودية صادرة من مدينة جدة، مقالات، آخر الأنباء، رياضة، سياسة، تجارة، ثقافة، أسلام

  • جريدة الوطن

    مواضيع و مقالات اخبارية حديثة، رياضة، ثقافة، سياسة، تجارة، صناعة، و محليات

  • Ain al Yaqueen -- Daily (English and Arabic)
  • Al Jazirah -- Daily (Arabic)
  • Al Madina -- Daily (Arabic)
  • Al Massa'yah -- Daily (Arabic)
  • Al Sharq Al Awsat -- Pan-Arab Daily (Arabic)
  • Saudi Press Agency
  • Saudi Arabia News Server
  • Ain-Al-Yaqeen Weekly news magazine published on the internet. It covers political, social, and economic issues which affect Arabic and English speaking people everywhere.
  • Saudi Press Agency Began operations in 1390 H (1970) as a major Arabic wire-service for Saudi Arabia, SPA was established to serve as the Kingdom's national wire-service responsible for the collection and distribution of local, Regional, and International news in Saudi Arabia and abroad.
  • Weather Channel Links to detailed weather forecasts in 21 Saudi Arabian cities.

  •  Pentagon Channel
    Regional Air Movement
    Control Center (RAMCC)

  • Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
  • Conus Replacement Centers

  • UNU.S. Mission to
    the United Nations

    International Crisis Group
    Saudi Arabia

    Reports / Briefings
    Search Crisis Watch DatabaseSearch:
    United States Coast GuardUnited States
    Coast Guard:
    N e w s

    U.S. MARCENTU.S. Marine Corps


    HIV/AIDS In Saudi Arabia

    UNUN BCPR Crisis Prevention
    and Recovery:

    Disaster Reduction Unit
    UNUNDP Saudi Arabia Country Office
    UNOSAT Satellite Imagery on Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    News and Media  Radio and TV
    Saudi Arabia

    Watch it!TV live
      General overview
  • Timeline: Saudi Arabia (InfoPlease)
  • Timeline: Saudi Arabia (BBC)
  • BBC Country Profiles: Saudi Arabia
  • Reuters Alternet Country Profiles: Saudi Arabia
  • Library of Congress Country Study
  •  PDF file Library of Congress Country Profile
  • CIA World Factbook Profile
  • UT-MENIC: Countries and Regions: Saudi Arabia
    Selected links from the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, covering government and politics, history and archaeology, news and newsgroups.
  • Country Analysis Brief
           Energy Information Administration,
           Department of Energy
  • Development Gateway:
         Country Profile: Saudi Arabia

    A portal for resources on Saudi Arabia listing specific topics, development projects, reference information, and companies with experience in Saudi Arabia. Topics include relief and recovery and non-governmental organizations.
  • CIA World Factbook Profile
  • Saudi Arabia Country Facts
           Multi-National Force - Saudi Arabia
  • U.S. Department of State:
           Saudi Arabia Country Information
  • U.S. Department of State:
           Saudi Arabia Background Note
  • Nationmaster: Saudi Arabia
          A compilation of facts and figures
          from many sources
  • Medea - Saudi Arabia  
          European Institute for Research on
          Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation
  • MSU Global Edge Profile
  • MSU Global Access
  • Economist Country Briefing
  • InfoPlease Almanac: Saudi Arabia
  • InfoPlease Atlas: Saudi Arabia
  • International Monetary Fund Profile
  • U.S. State Dept. Saudi Arabia Country Information
  • U.S. State Dept. Saudi Arabia Background Note
  • U.S. State Dept. Regional Topics
  • U.N. Statistics: Millenium Profile
  • UNESCO Institute for Statistics
  • World Bank Profile: Saudi Arabia
  •   Government
  • Who's who in Saudi Arabia
  • Chief of State and Cabinet Members (CIA)
  • Heads of state and prime ministers
           Historical list (ZPC database)
  • National flag of Saudi Arabia
  • National anthem
  •   Military / Defense
  • Military of Saudi Arabia
  • Saudi Arabiai Defense
          ABC Country Book for Saudi Arabia's defense
  • Military of Saudi Arabia
          Military manpower, transnational issues,
          maps, geography, history of Saudi Arabia
  • Cong. Res. Service Reports
  • SIPRI Military Expenditures
  •   Intelligence
  • Saudi Arabiai Intelligence Agencies  (FAS)
  •   Legislature
  • Parliamentary law and practice
  • Bibliographic References
  • Legislature Overview
  • SIPRI Int'l Relations and Security Trends
  • U.S. State Dept. Bureau
  •   Human Rights
  • Human Rights Watch Profile
  • Human rights reports
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Amnesty International
  • Amnesty Intl. Documents Library
  • Human rights in Saudi Arabia (Wikipedia)
  • Freedom House Freedom Rating
  • Heritage Foundation Freedom Report
  • RWB Freedom of the Press Profile
  • U.S. State Dept. Human Rights Report
  • U.S. State Dept. Religious Freedom Report
  • Doctors Without Borders Activities
  • International Red Cross Activities
  • ReliefWeb Documents and Maps
  • UNICEF Activities
  • UNICEF: Saudi Arabia Country in Crisis
  • Country Links
  •   Foreign Policy / Relations
  • Foreign relations of Saudi Arabia
  • Country Indicators Mapserver
  • Council on Foreign Relations Resources
  •   Diplomacy
  • Embassy Listings For Saudi Arabia
  • Saudi Arabia embassies in the world
  • U.S. Embassy - Saudi Arabia
  • Key Foreign Service Post Officers
  •   International Organizations

  • Languages of Saudi Arabia Ethnologue Database
  • GeoHive Population Statistics
  • Population Reference Bureau: Saudi Arabia
  • PRB Pop & Reproductive Health Data
  • PRB World Population Data Sheet
  • Refugee & Internally Displaced People
  • U.S. Census Bureau Country Data
  • UNFPA State of World Population
  • World Bank GenderStats
  • World Bank Health/Nut./Pop. Stats
  •   Culture
  • Saudi Arabiai Cultural Heritage
  • Local Languages and Dialects
  • Religions
  • UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  •   Academic Resources
  • Universities in Saudi Arabia
  • Arab Gateway: Saudi Arabia - history
  • Political History
  • Documents
          Historical and political texts relating to Saudi Arabia
  • World Bank Education Profile
  •   Health
  • CDC Health Advisory
  • FAO Nutrition Profile
  • Global Hospital Directory
  • U.N. WHO Health Profile
  • U.N. WHO Travel and Health Guide
  •   Environment & Resources
  • UNEP Country Envronmental Profile
  • FAO Early Warning System
  • World Resources Institute: Saudi Arabia

  • FAO Forestry Data
  • FAO Water Data
  • USGS Minerals Data
  •   Food & Agriculture
  • FAO Agricultural Data
  • FAO Fisheries Data
  • FAO Food Crisis Early Warning System
  • FAO Water and Food Security Profile
  •   Energy
  • International Energy Agency Statistics
  • U.S. Dept. of Energy Profile
  • U.S. DOE Int'l Energy Annual
  •   Banking
  • Currency converter
  • Bank Holidays
  • Investment Financing Sources
  •   Business Promotion
  • Business and Investment Guides
  • Protocol
  • Telephone Directories
  • Transparency Int'l Corruption Report
  • World Bank "Doing Business" Info
  •   Development and Business
  • The Saudi Arabia Investment and
          Reconstruction Task Force
  • Information on reconstruction contracts
          The State Department's Office of Commercial
          and Business Affairs
  • Oil, gas, and electricity
          US Energy Information Administration
  • World Bank: Saudi Arabia
          Comprehensive economic data
  • Saudi Arabia and the IMF
  • Economic news and data (
  • Water in Saudi Arabia  Aquastat country profile
  • Business Opportunities
  • Development Gateway Country Profile
  • Development Organizations List
  • U.S. AID Mission Directory
  • U.S. AID Mission Web Site
  • U.S. TDA Activities

  • UNDP Human Development Reports
  • UNIDO Activities
  • World Bank: Saudi Arabia
  • World Bank Documents & Reports
  •   Privatization
  • Privatization Link: Saudi Arabia
  •   Trade and Investment
  • Trade and Investment
  • Treaties & Agreements
  • Partners and Trade Leads
  • FAS Agricultural Trade Data
  • Federation of Int'l Trade Associations
  • U.S. Census Bureau
          Commodity Trade Data
  •   News and Media Sources
  • News and Features on Saudi Arabia
          Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
  • In Arabic
  • Southwestern Asia and the Middle East
          Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
  • BBC World Service (Arabic)
  • BBC News
  • Saudi Arabia Daily (
  • Google news
  • Business and economic news
  • Press: News and Media Sources
  • Press: Newspapers On-Line
  • News: Newspapers On-Line
  • Press: Regional / Country Periodicals
  •   Radio & TV   الأذاعة و
  • Broadcasting in Saudi Arabia
  • Radio Free Saudi Arabia
           Live Audio Broadcasts (Arabic, RFE/RL)
  •   Telecom, Info Tech & Internet
  • Communications
  • American University Profiles
  • U.S. DOC Profile
  • World Bank Profile
  •   Transportation & Travel
  • Transportation in Saudi Arabia
  • Shipping Facilities
  • World Seaports Directory
  • U.S. DOT Transportation Profile
  • World Airlines Directory
  • World Airports Directory
  • Currency Converter
  • International Dialing Codes
  • Expatriates, Living Abroad, Relocating
  • U.S. State Dept. Travel Warnings
  • U.S. State Dept. Passport Services
  • Overseas Security Advisory Council
  • U.S. State Dept. Consular Affairs Bureau
  • U.S. State Dept. Consular Information
  • Tourism Offices Directory
  • Travel Info Portal
  • US Customs - Know Before You Go
  • Worldwide Geographical Names Server
  • Local Time
  • Weather: Local Forecast
  • Local weather
  • World Meteorological Organization Data
  •   Maps
  • Univ. of Texas Library Collection
           Country maps: Saudi Arabia
  • al-Bab: Maps of Saudi Arabia
  •  PDF file
  • UN Detailed map of Saudi Arabia
  • InfoPlease Atlas: Saudi Arabia
  • Yahoo Search

  •  Contents  scroll  bar

    IFRCInternational Federation of
    Red Cross and Red Crescent

    Newsfeed Newsfeed: Saudi Arabia
    MUST SEE !Al-Qaeda and Russian Secret Services
    Axis Globe Full Coverage
    MUST SEE !What Extremists Are Saying
    The CENTCOM website OSIF/OSINT sources