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 Award 2005 This is the biggest one man's handmade website in Cyberspace, with more than 1600 web pages, over 7.7 million hits, and counting...

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Patient oriented resources

Read Jeff Laymon's Story: THE INTERNET MAY HAVE SAVED MY LIFE and I'm sure you shall visit some of the following web sites:

Must read! Brain Board
Must read! Braintainment Center.

Must read! WELLNESSWEB - The Patient's Network

As described by Bart Moran, founder and CEO, in addition to a wealth of the latest medical information, WellnessWeb offers patients, and their families and friends, an ongoing source of social and emotional support: "This is the starting point for patients -- where they should come first to find out about their health care concerns. They'll certainly find authoritative medical information here. The content in our Prostate Cancer Center, for example, has been described as 'awesome'. They can also 'meet' in the Grassroots section to communicate with other patients in interactive forums, such as Back Fence, to learn about treatment options and trade personal experiences. PAT-NET is an activist forum where they can voice their opinions about the genera l state of health care, legislation, insurance, and other controversies."

Several "Medical Centers" are currently being developed by teams of seasoned patients and professionals. More than 100 Preventive Care reports will ultimately be available under the direction of the Center for Current Research. About 20 of the reports are already online. The Respiratory Center will cover lung cancer, asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, and more. Elder Watch is a seniors center which includes information about long-term care, elderhostels, and other topics in addition to health care.

By linking a "stress control and recuperation" section, called Be Happy Be Well, to entertainment, recreation, sports, theater, and travel information, and offering original features such as Shaggy Dog Story, Therapeutic Pets, and Gourmet Hospital Food, WellnessWeb addresses quality of life as a factor in successful disease management and wellness, and acknowledges the demand by consumers to have information about topics even as serious medical care delivered with a dose of entertainment.

Centers are arranged in sections with titles such as Ask the Expert, New Patients, Tips and Insights, and What's New. Extensive glossaries are hyperlinked to journal abstracts, patient feedback, and professional opinions. Development plans call for opening major centers within the WellnessWeb on a regular basis.

Visitors will find names and phone numbers of patient advocacy organizations, as well as research and treatment centers. Eventually, WellnessWeb will contain such specific information as directions to treatment centers and their floor plans to make getting to doctors' appointments easier. Links to the WWW sites of hospitals; patient, professional, government, and nonprofit organizations; and other on-line resources are constantly being added. Similarly, link arrangements and reprint permissions with magazines, journals, and newsletters give users access to a rich array of information.

Must read! The Good Health Web

Must read! The Let's Talk Health Page
links you into discussions of health issues including Allergy, Cancer, CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and FIT (Exercise, diet and wellness).

Must read! Information About Cancer For Patients And Their Families
Must read! Cancer Patient Resources on WWW

Must read! CancerGuide

Must read! Psychology Self-Help Resources on the Internet

Must read! Women at Midlife
is a support forum for older women dealing with menopause, exercise, diet and fitness.

Must read! Minority Health Network
A WWW-based information source for individuals interested in
the health of minority groups. Within the context of this homepage,
"minority" will be used to refer to all people of color
and people who are underrepresented economically and socially.
Well-defined & informative site broken down by the following:
By Minority Group// Disease Specific// By Subject//Upcoming Events// Publications

Must read! Health Promotion On-line
Health Promotion On-line(HPO) bulletin board has been set up by the Health Promotion Programs Branch of Health Canada in Ottawa for Health professionals and practioners. It contains a broad range of downloadable practical lifestyle and health related information available in both English and French. Much of it has traditionally been produced in pamphlets or other printed format but is now in electronic format.

Must read! Child Health Forum
Must read! International Traveller's Last-minute Destination-country
Neal E. Wilson Research Service provides international traveller with data on personal & medical safety, telcom availability, business climate, and political situation, current to date of departure

Must read! Potentially Dangerous Drugs for the Elderly
a personal hit list by Robert S. Stall, M.D.--Internist/Geriatrician. Try his home page too.