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CAUTION: Enter keyword(s) but remember that there are several different words
meaning the same thing, depending on language in use on different Internet hosts. Albanian or Kosovari Albanian name for Kosovo is Kosova (Senator Dole uses that name too). There are also many different names and abbreviations for Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Albanian abbreviation is UÇK, Yugoslav name for it (in Serbian language) is Oslobodilacka vojska Kosova (OVK). In this case Kosova is Serbian genitive of the noun Kosovo, and they translate it in English using Norman genitive: Liberation Army of Kosovo (LAK). In Croatian language, Croats avoid Serbian genitive and they say (in Croatian) Kosovska oslobodilacka vojska (KOV) or Kosovska oslobodilacka armija (KOA). The word Kosovska is Croatian genitive (Possessive case, Saxon genitive) for the noun Kosovo. So, there are at least six known abbreviations for those armed groups of Kosovari Albanians: "KLA", "LAK", "UÇK", "KOV", "KOA", and "OVK", but Albanians (including Albanians living in Kosovo, (Kosovari Albanians) translate it in English as Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and it is most often in use among English speaking Cyberspace people.