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Censored by BBC TV Slobodane, Slobodane,
šalji nam salate;
bi'će mesa, bi'će mesa
- klat ćemo Hrvate! ...

Censored by BBC TVThose were the words of the song Serb Chetniks were singing, marching under the black flag with a big white skull on it, through destroyed Croatian town Vukovar in autumn of 1991, a scene taken by BBC reporter. Croatian comunity in Great Britain protested to BBC TV why those words, heard so clearly and loudly, were not translated for English audience. In that piece showed on BBC TVafter that, BBC blacked out the tone of mentioned song instead...
The first version with the tone and clearly recognised words of Serbian song was shown on NTV and CNN, but also not translated in English.

Just for the history, there is a Serbian Memorial Home Spomen Dom "Ravna Gora" on the right side of the highway Merrillville to Schererville, Indiana, USA, where visitors could see that black flag any time.

Somebody might take it to the War Crimes Tribunal in Den Haag, Netherlands...

See also: Bio:
Slobodan MiloševićSlobodan Milošević
Slobodan MiloševićLes heros de Vukovar
(Augustin Vidović's Page)
Slobodan MiloševićSlobodan Milošević
The New York Times, April 1995
Slobodan MiloševićSlobodan Milošević,
 Petition: Milošević to Haag

The Final Report of
the UN Commission of Experts
on the Former Yugoslavia

This gem comprises 3000+ pages documenting war crimes in Bosnia. It is probably more useful for historical perspective than provision of current information, as the study was concluded some 18 months before made available. Anyway, it's also one of sources for War Crimes Tribunal

Rape and a campaign of terror to drive people from their homes have been the Serbians' primary strategies of war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. At least 16 rape camps have been identified by the United Nations and human rights groups in Bosnia, in addition to numerous concentration camps and death camps. Such camps have not existed since World War II.
An estimated 60,000 Bosnian and Croatian women and children have been raped in the Serbian forces' systematic plan to dehumanize and demoralize the civilian population. The war has forced at least 1.5 million women and children from their homes and villages.
Most, after surviving the atrocities of genocide, have been placed in overcrowded and primitive refugee camps. Many know nothing about the fate of their loved ones. Whether the fighting rages or draws to a close, many of these women may never be able to return home. Others would find only the burned-out frames of their houses, or rubble.
All would have to rebuild their lives after unspeakable horrors.
They need your help.

Women for Women in Bosnia

The Mazowiecki Reports
alternative web site: Final Report of the Commission of Experts

Among the major documentations of human rights violations in Bosnia from1992-1995 are the 18 reports compiled by Tadeusz Mazowiecki, SpecialRapporteur to the UN Commision on Human Rights.

These reports were available at some WEB sites but then disappeared. Ihave gathered them together from various sources, with the invaluableassistance of Andras Riedlmayer, and have created a new WEB page on theMazowiecki Reports.

Below is a complete list of the reports. The numbering is confusing atfirst, because the fifth report was actually the first "periodic report".The Mazowiecki Reports page now contains the full text of all the reportsexcept numbers 1,2,3, and 6 as listed below. If anyone has the URL of oneof the four missing reports or knows where an electronic copy may beavailable, would you please let me know?

Michael Sells, msells@HAVERFORD.EDU

Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights
Complete List of Mazowiecki Reports
1. 28 Aug. 1992
2. 27 Oct. 1992
3.17 Nov. 1992
4.10 Feb. 1993

5. 5 May 1993 First Periodic Report
6. 13 May 1993 Second Periodic Report
7. 26 Aug. 1993 Third Periodic Report
8. 6 Sep. 1993 Fourth Periodic Report
9. 17 Sep. 1993 Fifth Periodic Report
10. 21 Feb. 1994 Sixth Periodic Report
11. 10 Jun. 1994 Seventh Periodic Report
12. 4 Aug. 1994 Eight Periodic Report
13. 4 Nov. 1994 Ninth Periodic Report
14. 13 Dec. 1994 Spec. Report on the Media
15. 9 Jan. 1995 Tenth Periodic Report
16. 21 Apr. 1995 Eleventh Periodic Report
17. 5 Jul. 1995 Twelfth Periodic Report
18. 22 Aug 1995 Thirteenth Periodic Report
with Letter of Resignation

The Christian Science Monitor special single-purpose site, which contains new Monitor stories by David Rohde, Pulitzer Award winner

Rohde, The Monitor's Eastern Europe correspondent, was captured on October 29 1995 by the Bosnian Serbs and detained in a jail cell for eleven days. He was released on November 8. Included on the web site is Rohde's personal account of his capture, detainment, and release, the stories he was reporting when he was captured, and the exclusive stories he wrote for the Monitor earlier, detailing evidence of the Bosnian Serbs' massacres of Bosnian Muslim civilians near Srebrenica. The site also includes maps, other documentation of the massacres, and a discussion area which will allow interested readers to add their comments and views on the issues covered on the site.

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