Bosnia Page
Transcripts on Bosnian Crisis
at National Public Radio
Bosnia Internet Forum (Bulletin)
Home page of English Bosnia Internet Forum news bulletin.
If you wish to receive regular news bulletins about Bosnia-Herzegovina and
Croatia here are the instructions on how to get included in BIF mailing list.
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All questions and comments should be directed to:
Sarajevo On Line
Full Access to Bosnian Medias Online - A fully operational Web site
Due to the success of the first operation launched by World Media On Line
in April 1995. The service was the first online journalism project allowing users
around the world to communicate with residents of the city.
It is also the first to give wide access to Bosnian media, offering exclusive and up to date news and information from ex-Yugoslavia. Seven of them are now on Sarajevo On Line :
- Onasa - Oslobodenje - Slobodna Bosna
Life - Dani - Radio Zid - Studio 99
There is also a forum service, articles by distinguished intellectuals
of the region, Computer art from TRIO, Rock samples from Sarajevo
bands, and archives from our earlier Sarajevo On line experimental project.
For more informations write to Gilbert CATTOIRE,
the webmaster of Sarajevo On Line
Napredak Online
maintained by Marko Puljic
a weekly newspaper from Bosnia
(temporary URL so far)
BosNet Newsfeeds
Bosnia and Herzegovina info
FRANK TIGALAAR's (Netherlands) and
Mario's friends Frank and Damir are giving the most comprehensive overview of activities in Europe for the benefit of, and information resources on the Internet about Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Rated TOP 5 % OF ALL WEB SITES by Point Com and available in several languages.
Also take a look at their New(s) Page
A newsmagazine providing news solely on Bosnia
This Week in Bosnia-Hercegovina
A weekly newsletter on events in Bosnia,
from the Bosnia Action Coalition (Mass./NH).
Al-Sirat Al-Mustaqeem: Interview with Sheikh al-Mujahideen Abu Abdel Aziz
QUESTION: In short, how did (your) Jihad start in Bosnia, and what is the truth to
the existence of an Arab Mujahideen Brigade under your command? What is its role
and what are its relations with the Bosnian government?
Comm. ABU ABDEL AZIZ: As I told you before, when Jihad in Afghanistan was over, with the conquest of Kabul, I went with four of
those who participated in Afghanistan to Bosnia to check out the landscape.
We wanted to see things with a closer eye. I wanted to find out the truth to what
is reported by the Western media. And surely, as was reported, there was
persecution of Bosnian Muslims. Many were slaughtered, others were killed,
while others were forced to exile. The chastity of their women was infringed
upon for the simple reason that they were Muslims. The Christians took
advantage of the fact that the Muslims were defenseless with no arms.
They recalled their age-old hatred. As to Arab Mujahideen (in Bosnia),
they do not have a separate battalion. There is a battalion for non-Bosnian
fighters. Arabs are a minority compared to those of the Mujahideen (gathered
from around the World). This battalion is under a unified command and is called
Kateebat al-Mujahideen (Mujahideen Battalion), Odred "El-Mudzahidin" as they
call them in Bosnian. Militarily, it has a link to the Bosnian government under
the general command of the Bosnian Armed Forces. It is in fact part of the
seventh battalion (SEDMI KORPUS, ARMIJA REPUBLIKE BH) of the Bosnian Army.
I am a field commander under the "General Unified Armed Command". We have -
and all grace be to Allah - full jurisdiction in the region we are responsible
for (Editor's note: Mostly central Bosnia). The general command of the Muslim
forces wants to see results, it does not dictate strategy or action. (Full text) |
The Christian Science Monitor
special single-purpose site on the Internet's World Wide Web,
which contains new Monitor stories by David Rohde. Rohde, The
Monitor's Eastern Europe correspondent, was captured on October 29
by the Bosnian Serbs and detained in a jail cell for eleven days.
He was released on November 8, 1995. Included on the web site is
Rohde's personal account of his capture, detainment, and release,
the stories he was reporting when he was captured, and the exclusive
stories he wrote for the Monitor earlier, detailing evidence of the
Bosnian Serbs' massacres of Bosnian Muslim civilians near Srebrenica.
The site also includes maps, other documentation of the massacres,
and a discussion area which will allow interested readers to add their
comments and views on the issues covered on the site.
Press Releases regarding
UNHCR aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

People Finder Service
This simple, Internet-based, interactive, database-driven service
has been designed to help in the difficult and time-consuming task of reuniting families and friends separated by the war in former Yugoslavia. It is completely public and free to the users. All those who are looking for someone should regularly check PFS. Please post information to PFS which might help someone else, close or far away, reunite with their loved ones.
Note: To do its job, PFS must be a public facility. Please post only information which you don't mind anyone else reading. You, the person posting the information, must make the judgment as to how much information should be posted. (To get an idea of useful information to post, you can browse through the database.)
We also accept and will post photographs. We make connections with printed media which post lost-persons notices in order to increase the likelihood of reuniting people. We will also attempt to interest NGOs and other displaced persons and refugee-mail services inside and outside of former Yugoslavia to exchange information with PFS. We will also include in the PFS database missing-persons requests that we find elsewhere on the internet. Help us by spreading the word. Any ideas to improve the service are welcome.
January 11, 1996
Applied Computing Solutions,
Inc. (904) 877-5280
For further information contact
Dubravko Kakarigi
Sarajevo Pipeline
Messages to & from Sarajevo
Sarajevo Alive - Sarajevo On Line
Direct dialogue between the Sarajevo
inhabitants and the Internet community
No More Ceasefire
at NetLine YPN
Let's Share the Same Dream
from Beati i Costructori di Pace
Beati i Costruttori di Pace
Italian association
Blessed Constructors of Peace
Help Album for Bosnian aid charity War Child
info page
Europe for Bosnia Campaign
Story of Banja Luka
Bosnian town, its history and a terrible destiny...
Convoy Bosnia
A project of the Lasiewicz Foundation, a non-profit organization which is helping wounded, orphaned and homeless civilians of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia Briefings
The Lasiewicz Foundation, Convoy Bosnia Briefings
Bosnia Help Page
Hope and Homes for
While soldiers keep the peace, others are rebuilding. Hope and Homes for Children, a charity dedicated to providing homes for war orphans, has launched this Web page with information on its projects in the war-torn nation and on how to contribute.
Bosnian Children Relief Foundation
A non-profit orginization which provides food for suffering and starving children of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Bosnia Network
A interfaith network of concerned professionals trying to help plan the rebuilding of devastated
communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prayers for Bosnia