Mario's Cyberspace Station

Ask Croatian mothers...
Yugo Spiritism and Reincarnation
Mario's Query on COPYEDITING-L (Digest)
(At The New York Times Web site)
Chronology of the War in Former Yugoslavia UNPROFOR in Croatia
Chronology of Events
Austria: Its Role in Europe,
and in the Balkan War

by Flora Lewis
(The International Herald Tribune, 16 June 1995)
Dismantling former Yugoslavia, recolonising Bosnia
by Michel Chossudovsky
War Crimes War crimes in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Final Report of the UN Commission of Experts
on "the Former Yugoslavia"

The International Criminal Tribunal
for "the Former Yugoslavia"

Dayton: Bosnia Peace Agreement
President of Bosnia and Herzegovina Alija Izetbegovic's letter
to the U.S. Secretary of State Waren Christopher
Thessaloniki, Centre of the Interbalkan Cooperation
Macedonian Press Agency:
Brief News Greek Bulletin (22/6/1995)
"the more interesting articles on the matter" and published by it's
BALKAN MEDIA & POLICY MONITOR's News and Analysis Digest
(special Issue - number 3. August 25, 1995) BALKANS IN CYBERSPACE
    ZaMir (ForPeace) Transnational Network
    A try of cyber-yugoslavization in the name of peace
    South European Team NETwork
    A "Fidonet-type Yugoslav Net of BBSes" (in Serbian language)
    located in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina
    (Republika Srpska), FYR Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania
    and connected to "YUInternet"
    Y U R O P E
    "This site covers information and interesting projects
    coming from former YUGOSLAVIA countries..."
    Y U R O P E (FTP)
    YU-QWest is "an apolitical gathering place
    and communication channel for folks
    from countries of former SFR Yugoslavia..."