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Signed Emerson Bigelow, the memos author was a U. S. Treasury Department agent who was passing along secret intelligence to his superiors.
![]() ![]() (SNS News Service -Israel-7/22-Bloomberg) 22-Jul-97 , 17 Tammuz 5757, at 17:34:35 Israel Time The Vatican is identified as a post-World War II repository used by the ousted Nazi puppet government of Croatia to safeguard plundered Nazi-era gold, the Associated Press reported, citing an newly-declassified US Treasury Department memo. The document, disclosed by researchers for an A&E Television documentary to be shown on the cable channel Saturday, is an internal Treasury memo kept secret for 50 years, and is among 15 million US documents related to the safekeeping of Nazi-plundered gold, mostly by Swiss banks. ![]() (Sun-Sentinel ) U.S. government officials say the information originated from the Office of Strategic Services, the nation's prime intelligence group late in World War II. Donald Steury, author of sections of the Nazi gold report that drew from secret intelligence documents, described Bigelow as ''a coordinating individual'' who sifted and passed upward information from intelligence sources at a time the Treasury was deeply involved in operation Safe Haven, the post-World War II attempt to track Nazi loot. Steury described the use of ''reliable source'' as standard formulation, and added that the validity of the Vatican link could be accurately assessed only if and when the identity of the source became known. ![]() (Jewish Bulletin of Northern California) In addition to opening the archives, the "Vatican should establish a commission to look into their wartime past -- as 16 other countries have done -- in view of this incredible documentation," said Elan Steinberg, WJC's executive director. "The pope, who has recognized Israel and condemned anti-Semitism, can exert the moral authority to overcome petty bureaucrats who are trying to keep the archives closed and who, in their reaction to the disclosure, sound like a caricature of a Swiss banker," Steinberg said. His comments came after the Vatican flatly denied that the declassified document had any validity. "These reports have no basis in reality," chief Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said in a statement issued Tuesday. "According to rumor, a considerable portion" of the money held by the Vatican "has been sent to Spain and Argentina through the Vatican's `pipeline,' " the document said, "but it is quite possible this is merely a smokescreen to cover the fact that the treasure remains in its original repository" in the Vatican. ![]() (Aryan News Agency) Ambassador Raymond Flynn wrote to Clinton in a letter dated July 24 that he had met Vatican officials and agreed with them that the case against the Holy See was thin. Flynn told Clinton in his letter: "The case against the Vatican is therefore rather thin and, while sensational, does not warrant a rush to judgment." "Until and unless much stronger evidence emerges linking the Vatican to Nazi gold, we must presume the Vatican to be innocent and its reputation in this regard, untarnished," Flynn told Clinton. Clinton told reporters at the White House on July 22 that the Treasury Department had assured him its historians were combing the records. "We will reveal whatever information we have and let the facts take us where they lead us," Clinton said at the time. ![]() ![]() (ABC News) Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 _Vatican envoy says Nazi gold charges are weak_ (Reuter) - The U.S. envoy to the Vatican has told President Clinton he believes that accusations the Holy See stored money and gold for Croatian fascists after World War II are weak and the Roman Catholic Church must be presumed innocent. Asked about these new revelations, President Clinton said the Treasury Department is reviewing its records to determine the extent to which the Vatican was involved in the Nazi gold controversy. He said the United States will “reveal whatever information we have and let the facts take us where they lead us. We’ll keep working on this until we do everything we can to make it right.” ![]() (ABC News) Largest Swiss Bank Admits Possible Nazi Paper Trail Union Bank admitted that its chief archivist shredded documents earlier this year, but it is not known how many or which documents were destroyed. The bank also admitted the documents’ destruction violated a law requiring preservation of any evidence that might relate to investigations into the World War II era. Today’s statement by the bank for the first time gave statistics on the documents salvaged by a night watchman Christoph Meili may have been related to property sold by Jews under the Nazis. It gave no details on any documents that had already been shredded. The statement said Meili took a total of 65 property files, and that 47 of them related to the period before and during the war. The rest were from the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Twenty-two documents were from the 1930s and 40s, the bank said. ![]() (Jewish Bulletin of Northern California) Three decades after clearing Jews of blame for the death of Jesus, the Vatican is finally examining its own culpability as a messenger and silent accomplice of anti-Semitism. During a closed-door conference that included more than 50 biblical and theological scholars from throughout the world -- but no Jews -- church leaders examined the roots of anti-Semitism ![]() ![]() Simon Wiesental Selected Bibliography ![]() (Jewish Bulletin of Northern California) ![]() ![]() ![]() (Jewish Bulletin of Northern California) Three decades after clearing Jews of blame for the death of Jesus, the Vatican is finally examining its own culpability as a messenger and silent accomplice of anti-Semitism. But it has yet to blame itself for its role in the Holocaust. Calling anti-Semitism an offense against "God and the church itself," the Roman Catholic Church ended a three-day symposium Sunday. Looking at the religious roots of anti-Semitism, the church said a long history of anti-Jewish prejudice resulted in the failure of Christians to stop Nazi persecution. During a closed-door conference that included more than 50 biblical and theological scholars from throughout the world -- but no Jews -- church leaders examined the roots of anti-Semitism in interpretations of the Christian Bible. But the church has yet to condemn itself for failing to take more aggressive action against the Nazis. And it continues to praise Pius XII, the wartime pope whom many criticize for remaining mute during the horrors of the Holocaust. In addition, the world is still awaiting a long-anticipated papal document chronicling activities of the church during the Nazi regime. ![]() (Dallas Morning News) But in his speech to a Vatican seminar on anti-Jewish currents in Christian theology, the pontiff stopped short of confronting the issue of alleged church complicity in the Holocaust - through silence or inaction, as some critics charge. ![]() (B'nai B'rith News) Jewish Group Again Calls on Vatican to Open World War II Archives Washington, D.C. (October 31, 1997) -- B'nai B'rith applauds Pope John Paul II's statement today that many Christians had failed to live up to their faith when it came to opposing Nazi oppression of the Jews during the Holocaust. Baer noted that the pope, while condemning anti-Semitism as also fundamentally anti-Christian, did not offer to open the Vatican archives to outside examination regarding the role of Pope Pius XII during World War II. B'nai B'rith's previous request for access to the archives was rejected categorically by the Vatican. "We continue to believe that such access is necessary to answer conclusively questions regarding Pius' behavior toward the Jews and the Church's relationship with the Third Reich," Baer stated. "We still hope that, in the interests of resolving a key question of twentieth century history, the Vatican archives for this period will be opened," he added. In March 1996, Baer and B'nai B'rith leaders from the United States, Europe and Latin America met with the pope at the Vatican and urged the pontiff to "unlock its wartime records." B'nai B'rith is the world's oldest and largest Jewish organization, with members in 56 countries. ![]() ![]() (A Ministry of the Jesus Name Apostolic Holiness Church Inc.) A concordat is a compact, covenant; specifically an agreement between a pope and a sovereign or government for the regulation of Catholic ecclesiastical matters. The Concordat between Hitler's Nazi Germany and the Holy See (Vatican) was signed and became effective on July 20, 1933. (by Rev. Marvin M. Arnold, D.D., Th.D. the tract is available from: Rev Marvin Arnold, 129 West Street, Hillsdale, MI 49242). ![]() (Jewish Bulletin of Northern California) ![]() ![]() ![]() (The Jerusalem Post) Since the establishment of full diplomatic relations three years ago, relations between the Vatican and Israel have developed a routine quality that is welcome. The pope came from Jordan to visit the Old City of Jerusalem, which at that time was in Jordanian hands, but did not visit the Israeli side of the city. |